Gedichte können Gefühle besser ausdrücken
Rudi Stern hat sehr gute Gedichte gemacht, ziemlich lange, wunderschöne Gedichte. Ich mache kürzere, aber es genügt mir.
Ich habe das Gefühl, wenn man sich etwas überlegt und etwas imponiert einem, dass ich meine Gefühle in dieser Art besser ausdrücken kann. Ich habe ein Gedicht, dass ich zum Schluss meines Besuchs bei Schulkindern hier in England, jeden Januar, vorlese.
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You gave me live and nurtured it with love.
You taught me right from wrong, trust in the one above.
For fifteen years I stayed within the family fold
Then sent away from you, to England I was told.
You gave me life anew with greater pangs of pain,
Since you were well aware we' d never meet again.
You made a choice so many years ago,
Such selfless love when you did need me so.
And, in a way, my need was much the same
Though never given voice, adds sadness to my shame.
Could I have known or felt what you went through,
I should have been much more in debt to you.
For, I am here and live my live so free,
What you twice overgave so generously to me.
Written in 1989 – on the occasion of the first Kindertransport re-union in London.