C O L O G N E , F R E I B U R G , P A R I S
Do students nowadays still move from one university to another?
I studied in Cologne. There was no university in Trier at that time. And I also studied in Freiburg and Paris. What’s it like nowadays, do people still move from one university to another? That was normal in those days; the first two semesters I was in Cologne, then in Freiburg with my sister who was studying law, and then a semester in Paris and then back to Cologne.
After graduating, I came to the Yavneh, two years or was it one year later, to be a trainee teacher, learning how to teach. It was a traineeship, just like lawyers do. Of course, being a Jew I couldn’t do that, and so that’s how I came to the Yavneh. We had Dr Samuel there as...what’s it called? ...as a tutor those two years I was already at the Yavneh. Amongst other things Dr Stein, another teacher – somehow the pupils were unruly – and Dr Stein said, “If the children are disobedient, it’s always the teacher’s fault!”
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Feo Kahn 2010, London