In November ’45 there was the first sign of life.
Margrit, my sister, lives in America. We regularly phone each other. I haven’t seen her for quite some time. She simply wanted to live, and made it through all these concentration camps, Riga and Stutthof and Bergen-Belsen and Auschwitz, and then at the end she was on that death march to the Baltic Sea. They were then all loaded onto a ship, without anything to eat or drink, and they were left in the middle of the Baltic Sea. And because of one of the prisoners, who knew something about ships, she arrived in Neustadt in Schleswig-Holstein. The SS had just thrown those poor people into the water and shot them with machine guns. She had typhoid fever and was then taken to a hospital, so she survived.
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Telegram dated 1945 with the news that Ernest’s sister, Margrit Kohlmann, is alive