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   My parents always insisted that I shouldn’t learn to read until I got to school so that I wouldn’t be bored in the first year. That’s why I always had lots of picture books. I am still a fan of Wilhelm Busch, which no one here in England can understand.

   I have a very fond memory of the first lesson that my teacher Grünebaum gave me. I have always been grateful to him that at last I could learn to read. He said, right, I will tell you all a story. There was once a boy. And he drew on the blackboard and there was a boy who was hungry. So he opened his mouth wide and then his mother shoved a piece of cake in his mouth. And that is how I knew what an A looked like. And it was the same thing with B. That was really lovely.
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Class photo, Lützowstraße Jewish City Volksschule, Cologne, around 1934

Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Ian Karten Kurt Marx Ian Karten Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Ian Karten Ian Karten Kurt Marx Ian Karten Siggy Reichenstein Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Ian Karten Kurt Marx Ian Karten Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Ian Karten Ian Karten Kurt Marx Ian Karten Siggy Reichenstein