Thinking of Germany at night
“At that time there was a radio programme in London, in German. The programme always started with some lines from a poem by Heinrich Heine in ‘A Winter’s Tale’: ‘Thinking of Germany at night, I am deprived of sleep...’ This text expressed our feelings as well as our anxieties and our fears, which also enabled us to find the courage to make a fresh start.“
“But there is sorrow as well. When I am at the cemetery in Brodenbach, when I drive along the river Mosel through the little villages, when I see the small towns, I think, ‘All cleansed of Jews, it has all been cleansed of Jews.’ That is really tragic.“ *
* Hilde Jacobi, Feodore Kahn’s sister, remembers her emigration. Source: Georg Giesing, „Wir sind doch ein Leut'“. Auf der Suche nach dem jüdischen Viehhändler Siegfried Forst aus Brodenbach (“‘We are one people’. Searching for the Jewish livestock dealer Siegfried Forst from Brodenbach”), Briedel 2000, p. 53
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Feo Kahn 2010, London