D E U T S C H L A N D R E I S E We have been back to Germany quite often. With our children once we visited Bonn and came to my old school in Poppelsdorf. When I looked around, a teacher came out of one of the rooms, and asked me what I was doing. I said, I am looking around because this was my school and I was here in 1934. I was dispelled from this school; I want to see it again. He said: “Come in,” and they took us to a classroom with children of my age at that time. They were seven or eight. Anyway, they were sitting on their tables, and I was invited to say something to them, so I said: “When I was here, we didn't sit at tables, we sat behind desks, the teacher sat there in the corner, he had a stick by the side, and when somebody talked while he shouldn't he had to come forward.” |
Kenneth Appel 2010, London |