The first year was a very happy one
I went to Kindergarten, firstly in Bonn, because I was to be looked after. We had a lovely flat in the Argelanderstraße in Bonn, but when my father was permanently hospitalized my mother had to give it up. I started school from the Argelanderstraße in Bonn, and the first year was a very happy one because I had many friends. But then as the Nazi regime developed antisemitism became violent and my friends started falling off one by one. From 1933 that was after my first year at school I had quite difficulties to get into school because other schoolchildren started attacking me, a Jewish boy, and I think there were very few Jewish children at the Poppelsdorf school. The second year was a very traumatic year. So when I was going out of school in 1934, I think, they did me a favour.
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Kurt Appel in carnival costume and on the ‚Drachenfels‘ mountain (second photo)