They left it too late
Ich hatte zwei Onkel. Ein Onkel, der Bruder meiner Mutter, ist 1934 nach Palästina gegangen. Der war ein Rechtsanwalt in Deutschland, er konnte nicht mehr praktizieren. [I had two uncles. One uncle, my mother’s brother, went to Palestine in 1934. He was a lawyer in Germany but was not able to practise any more.] So he went with his family in 1934 to Tel Aviv, that time it was called Palestine.
My other uncle, in 1938, sie haben ihn nach Buchenwald in das Konzentrationslager gebracht, nach der Kristallnacht. [in 1938 they took him to the Buchenwald concentration camp, after Kristallnacht.]
And they let him out of the camp, but he had to leave the country, so he went with his family to Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe now. And he made good business there.
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Hans Walter, his parents Carla and Fritz Walter and his sister Berta