Kindertransports from North Rhine-Westphalia
The Project ‘Kindertransports from North Rhine-Westphalia’ had the aim of putting together the full story of the Kindertransport from the Rhineland and Westphalia, about which up until now only fragments had been known, and making the results available to the memorial centres in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, especially their educational departments. The online exhibition presents a selection of the collected materials, and should enable school classes and all interested people both at home and abroad to work with the results of the project.
The starting point of our investigation was the story of the Jewish Grammar School Yavneh in Cologne which was attended after 1933 by pupils from all over the region. The initiative of the school principal, Dr Erich Klibansky, meant that more than 100 boys and girls from many different places could find refuge in Great Britain.

Erinnerungsfotos — Lore Robinson 2010, London