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   We were here, they were over there. It was wartime. You still got letters with cards for writing a reply. Later we got messages from the Red Cross. Short messages. In 1942 they were deported from Cologne with one of the last deportations.

   Then suddenly the war was over. I was 20 years old and still didn’t know what had happened. Only a cousin of mine – he was deported to Riga, and was in Bergen-Belsen too – he survived. He was the only one of the whole family who stayed in Germany who actually survived the war. Half of our family on the Marx side perished and on my mother’s side, the Herz-Rubens side, I am the only one who survived the war.
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Dr Seligsohn, warden at the Yavneh hostel in Cricklewood, London and his wife Gerda. Second from the left, Kurt Marx

Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Ian Karten Kurt Marx Ian Karten Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Ian Karten Ian Karten Kurt Marx Ian Karten Siggy Reichenstein Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Ian Karten Kurt Marx Ian Karten Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Ian Karten Ian Karten Kurt Marx Ian Karten Siggy Reichenstein