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   Extracts from interviews, photos and documents form the basis of the life stories of four women and nine men who, as children and adolescents (and in one case, as a young teacher), were able to emigrate to the UK in 1938/39 from what is today North Rhine-Westphalia and who now (2010) live in England. According to the wishes of those being interviewed, the interviews were conducted in German or in English, but more often than not in both languages. These life stories provide insights into many aspects of the topic of ‘Kindertransport’. They reveal, we hope, something of the wealth of experiences and the range of the memories that those interviewed shared with us for a few hours.


Kurt MarxKurt MarxKurt MarxKurt MarxIan KartenKurt MarxIan KartenKurt MarxKurt MarxKurt MarxIan KartenIan KartenKurt MarxIan Karten Siggy Reichenstein