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   My main connection was with Dr. Moritz Samuel, he was a great person. And of course I had Dr. Stein, he was a religious teacher, Dr. Harth, he was my Naturkunde teacher, and Meidner was my arts teacher. And then there was Moddel, I don't know what his first name was, he was a general teacher, I don't know, he taught anything. And Heinemann – he came to this country, but he lost his wife unfortunately, she stayed behind. Heinemann came to Manchester. And he had to do with the hostel. This hostel wasn't just for Jawne children. It was for girls in general, but there were quite a few Jawne kids there.

   So that's as much as I can remember. I must look with nostalgia at this picture, most of my teachers are on there.
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Werner Lachs 2010, Manchester

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