The story of the ‘Kindertransporte’ (Kindertransports)December 1938 to May 1940
In December 1938, some children from Hattingen, Brigitte and Hans-Joachim Markes, and Fredi and Rika Glücksman, were rescued with one of the first Kindertransports.* Four boys from Bochum were part of the last transport from the Netherlands that took place in May 1940, the war having already begun. On board the SS Bodegraven with a group of 74 Jewish children, they managed to reach the safe haven of England. Norbert Ripp**, Horst Walter Adler, David Werner and Bodo Solomon were then together accommodated in a hostel in Manchester. Ebenfalls auf der SS Bodegraven befand sich Jacob Friedler aus Oberhausen, der mit den Bochumer Jungen und seinem jüngeren Bruder zuvor in einem Waisenhaus in Amsterdam gewesen war. *Thomas Weiß, "Diese Tränen werde ich nie vergessen..." Geschichte der Synagogengemeinde Hattingen (‚These Tears I will never forget...‘ Story of the Hattingen synagogue’s congregation’), Hattingen 2005, p. 35 |
Group photo in Manchester with, amongst others, Horst Walter Adler, Bodo Salomons, Werner Davids and Norbert Ripp |