The story of the ‘Kindertransporte’ (Kindertransports)The four Yavneh TransportsThe first transport, comprising a junior boys’ class, left Cologne on 17th January 1939. About 30 children were accompanied by the young rabbi, Dr Rudolf Seligsohn from Bonn, who also became the director of the first ‘Yavneh-Hostel’ at 1 Minster Road in London (Cricklewood) together with his wife. This transport was followed by another to London in February 1939, with 15 girls and boys. The girls were taken to a hostel at 243 Willesden Lane. The boys were probably housed in Minster Road.
In January 1939, 30 pupils from the Yavneh School led by Dr Rudolf Seligsohn were able to travel to London. They were accommodated at the Yavneh Hostel in Minster Road. Dr Erich Klibansky is accompanying the children to Cologne Main Station.