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The story of the ‘Kindertransporte’ (Kindertransports)


   Many of the children and young people that had been rescued by a Kindertransport found it hard to come to terms with the bitter realisation by the end of the war that no other family members had survived. They tried to establish a new life, to find an employment and to build up a family. Some of them decided to leave Great Britain and continue their migration, mainly to the United States and to Israel. Memories of their birth families faded, especially for those who had been sent to England as small children and had found loving foster parents. Some of them discovered only decades later that they were children of the Kindertransport. The later lives of many of those children are characterised by an extraordinary energy. Most of them were only able to talk about their painful childhood experiences, even with their own families, once their own children had grown up.

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Bertha Leverton/Shmuel Lowensohn (ed.), ‘I Came Alone. The Stories of the Kindertransport‘, Lewes, Sussex 1990

Navigation right Life Stories Memory Hostels Kindertransports from the Yavneh School Children from the Rhineland and Westphalia The Story of the Kindertransports Great Britain: place of refuge
The Kindertransport to Great Britain - Stories from North-Rhine-Westphalia