Everything to do with school is about money
“It so happened I was in Cologne, at Klibansky’s. He says he knew that Karl still needed to be enrolled at school properly. But he was already 14 years old and so he wouldn’t be able to go to a ‘Volksschule’. The committees were working terribly slowly, because for them school was a minor thing, the main thing being to find somewhere for children to stay. He was sure, though, that he’d be able to let me know that he would find the right solution for Karl in a few months. He could see that he was a bright and intelligent boy and was going to send him some English textbooks. I don’t think that the little lad would spend all that much time with the books, but I can’t see any other way for the time being, and hope that Klibansky will enroll him at school after all.” *
* Letter from Max Hirschland to his daughter Margot, Essen, 18th August 1939
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Max Hirschfeld, Charles Hannam’s father, 1938